
High Holidays

    ⇒ YOM KIPPUR: OCT. 11 EVE - OCT. 12


    Chabad in Hasbrouck Heights will be offering High Holiday services on the following dates, with warm, interactive and explanatory services. Location will be provided closer to the time. No membership required, we look forward to welcoming you.

    Rosh Hashanah Eve: Wednesday, October 2

    6:45 Evening Service
    Followed by communal Rosh Hashanah meal


    Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Thursday, October 3

    9:30 Morning Service
    11:15 Children's Program
    11:30 Shofar Sounding
    Kiddush following service

    6:15 Later option Shofar Sounding

    Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Friday, October 4

    9:30 Morning Service
    11:30 Shofar Sounding
    Kiddush following service

    5:45 Later option Shofar Sounding

    Yom Kippur Eve: Friday evening, October 11

    6:03 Fast begins
    6:15 Kol Nidrei Evening Service

    Yom Kippur Day: Shabbat, October 12

    9:30 Morning Service
    11:30 Yizkor Memorial Service
    5:15 Afternoon Service
    6:15 Neilah Closing Prayer & Shofar
    7:00 Yom Kippur Ends

    Services followed by Buffet Break-Fast

  • Kindly submit your RSVP below:

  • Your contribution enables us to continue increasing our programming for the community.

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    To: [email protected]
    Billing Address
  •  We look forward to welcoming you! 

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